Data sets included in GEMAct#

GEMAct includes varous data sets for users interested in exploring our examples and functionalities. The current version of the package has data sets for claims reserving.

Data sets for loss reserving#

The SIFA data set#

The first data set is the SIFA data set from Savelli and Clemente [SC14].

  • incremental_payments: Triangle of individual payments

  • incurred_number: Triangle of claim payments numbers

  • cased_number: Triangle of open numbers

  • cased_payments: Triangle of cased amounts

  • reported_claims: Reported claims by accident period

  • claims_inflation: Vector of inflation from Savelli and Clemente [SC14].

  • czj: Coefficients of variation by development period from Savelli and Clemente [SC14].

Data set simulated with SYNTHEtic and SPLICE#

We also include the output of a data set simulate with the claims simulator available in the R package SYNTHEtic. This data set was used in the illustration of the LossReserve in the manuscript pre-print.

  • incremental_payments_sim: Triangle of individual payments

  • incurred_number_sim: Triangle of claim payments numbers

  • cased_number_sim: Triangle of open numbers

  • cased_payments_sim: Triangle of cased amounts

  • reported_claims_sim: Reported claims by accident period

  • czj_sim: Coefficients of variation by development period from Savelli and Clemente [SC14].

Below we provide the R code for interested readers:

library(ChainLadder) <- function(x){
for(j in 1:J){
for(i in 1:J){

    if((i+j) > (J+1)){x[i,j]=NA}


years <- 9

claims_generator_mdn <- function(random_state,years){

set_parameters(ref_claim = 200000, time_unit = 1)
ref_claim <- return_parameters()[1]
time_unit <- return_parameters()[2]

I <- years / time_unit
E <- c(rep(200000, I)) # effective annual exposure rates
lambda <- c(rep(0.1, I))

n_vector <- claim_frequency(I = I, E = E, freq = lambda)
# n_vector

# Occurrence time of each claim r, for each period i
occurrence_times <- claim_occurrence(frequency_vector = n_vector)

S_df <- function(s) {
# truncate and rescale
if (s < 30) {
} else {
p_trun <- pnorm(s^0.2, 9.5, 3) - pnorm(30^0.2, 9.5, 3)
p_rescaled <- p_trun/(1 - pnorm(30^0.2, 9.5, 3))

claim_sizes <- claim_size(frequency_vector = n_vector,
                        simfun = S_df, type = "p", range = c(0, 1e24))

notidel_param <- function(claim_size, occurrence_period) {
# NOTE: users may add to, but not remove these two arguments (claim_size,
# occurrence_period) as they are part of SynthETIC's internal structure

# specify the target mean and target coefficient of variation
target_mean <- 0.4930517
target_cv <- 1.919494
# convert to Weibull parameters
shape <- get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean, target_cv)[1]
scale <- get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean, target_cv)[2]

c(shape = shape, scale = scale)

## output
notidel <- claim_notification(n_vector, claim_sizes,
                            rfun = rweibull, paramfun = notidel_param)

setldel_param <- function(claim_size, occurrence_period) {
# NOTE: users may add to, but not remove these two arguments (claim_size,
# occurrence_period) as they are part of SynthETIC's internal structure

# specify the target Weibull mean

target_mean <- 6.575582

# specify the target Weibull coefficient of variation
target_cv <- 1.02259

c(shape = get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean, target_cv)[1, ],
scale = get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean, target_cv)[2, ])

setldel <- claim_closure(n_vector, claim_sizes, rfun = rweibull, paramfun = setldel_param)

benchmark_1 <- 0.0375 * ref_claim
benchmark_2 <- 0.075 * ref_claim
rmixed_payment_no <- function(n, claim_size, claim_size_benchmark_1, claim_size_benchmark_2) {
# construct the range indicators
test_1 <- (claim_size_benchmark_1 < claim_size & claim_size <= claim_size_benchmark_2)
test_2 <- (claim_size > claim_size_benchmark_2)

# if claim_size <= claim_size_benchmark_1
no_pmt <- sample(c(1, 2), size = n, replace = T, prob = c(1/2, 1/2))
# if claim_size is between the two benchmark values
no_pmt[test_1] <- sample(c(2, 3), size = sum(test_1), replace = T, prob = c(1/3, 2/3))
# if claim_size > claim_size_benchmark_2
no_pmt_mean <- pmin(8, 4 + log(claim_size/claim_size_benchmark_2))
prob <- 1 / (no_pmt_mean - 3)
no_pmt[test_2] <- stats::rgeom(n = sum(test_2), prob = prob[test_2]) + 4


no_payments <- claim_payment_no(n_vector,
                            rfun = rmixed_payment_no,
                            claim_size_benchmark_1 = 0.0375 * ref_claim,
                            claim_size_benchmark_2 = 0.075 * ref_claim)

rmixed_payment_size <- function(n, claim_size) {
# n = number of simulations, here n should be the number of partial payments
if (n >= 4) {
# 1) Simulate the "complement" of the proportion of total claim size
#    represented by the last two payments
p_mean <- 1 - min(0.95, 0.75 + 0.04*log(claim_size/(0.10 * ref_claim)))
p_CV <- 0.20
p_parameters <- get_Beta_parameters(target_mean = p_mean, target_cv = p_CV)
last_two_pmts_complement <- stats::rbeta(
    1, shape1 = p_parameters[1], shape2 = p_parameters[2])
last_two_pmts <- 1 - last_two_pmts_complement

# 2) Simulate the proportion of last_two_pmts paid in the second last payment
q_mean <- 0.9
q_CV <- 0.03
q_parameters <- get_Beta_parameters(target_mean = q_mean, target_cv = q_CV)
q <- stats::rbeta(1, shape1 = q_parameters[1], shape2 = q_parameters[2])

# 3) Calculate the respective proportions of claim amount paid in the
#    last 2 payments
p_second_last <- q * last_two_pmts
p_last <- (1-q) * last_two_pmts

# 4) Simulate the "unnormalised" proportions of claim amount paid
#    in the first (m - 2) payments
p_unnorm_mean <- last_two_pmts_complement/(n - 2)
p_unnorm_CV <- 0.10
p_unnorm_parameters <- get_Beta_parameters(
    target_mean = p_unnorm_mean, target_cv = p_unnorm_CV)
amt <- stats::rbeta(
    n - 2, shape1 = p_unnorm_parameters[1], shape2 = p_unnorm_parameters[2])

# 5) Normalise the proportions simulated in step 4
amt <- last_two_pmts_complement * (amt/sum(amt))
# 6) Attach the last 2 proportions, p_second_last and p_last
amt <- append(amt, c(p_second_last, p_last))
# 7) Multiply by claim_size to obtain the actual payment amounts
amt <- claim_size * amt

} else if (n == 2 | n == 3) {
p_unnorm_mean <- 1/n
p_unnorm_CV <- 0.10
p_unnorm_parameters <- get_Beta_parameters(
    target_mean = p_unnorm_mean, target_cv = p_unnorm_CV)
amt <- stats::rbeta(
    n, shape1 = p_unnorm_parameters[1], shape2 = p_unnorm_parameters[2])
# Normalise the proportions and multiply by claim_size to obtain the actual payment amounts
amt <- claim_size * amt/sum(amt)

} else {
# when there is a single payment
amt <- claim_size

## output
payment_sizes <- claim_payment_size(n_vector, claim_sizes, no_payments,
                                rfun = rmixed_payment_size)

r_pmtdel <- function(n, claim_size, setldel, setldel_mean) {
result <- c(rep(NA, n))

# First simulate the unnormalised values of d, sampled from a Weibull distribution
if (n >= 4) {
# 1) Simulate the last payment delay
unnorm_d_mean <- (1 / 4) / time_unit
unnorm_d_cv <- 0.20
parameters <- get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean = unnorm_d_mean, target_cv = unnorm_d_cv)
result[n] <- stats::rweibull(1, shape = parameters[1], scale = parameters[2])

# 2) Simulate all the other payment delays
for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
    unnorm_d_mean <- setldel_mean / n
    unnorm_d_cv <- 0.35
    parameters <- get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean = unnorm_d_mean, target_cv = unnorm_d_cv)
    result[i] <- stats::rweibull(1, shape = parameters[1], scale = parameters[2])

} else {
for (i in 1:n) {
    unnorm_d_mean <- setldel_mean / n
    unnorm_d_cv <- 0.35
    parameters <- get_Weibull_parameters(target_mean = unnorm_d_mean, target_cv = unnorm_d_cv)
    result[i] <- stats::rweibull(1, shape = parameters[1], scale = parameters[2])

# Normalise d such that sum(inter-partial delays) = settlement delay
# To make sure that the pmtdels add up exactly to setldel, we treat the last one separately
result[1:n-1] <- (setldel/sum(result)) * result[1:n-1]
result[n] <- setldel - sum(result[1:n-1])


param_pmtdel <- function(claim_size, setldel, occurrence_period) {
# mean settlement delay
if (claim_size < (0.10 * ref_claim) & occurrence_period >= 21) {
a <- min(0.85, 0.65 + 0.02 * (occurrence_period - 21))
} else {
a <- max(0.85, 1 - 0.0075 * occurrence_period)
mean_quarter <- a * min(25, max(1, 6 + 4*log(claim_size/(0.10 * ref_claim))))
target_mean <- mean_quarter / 4 / time_unit

c(claim_size = claim_size,
setldel = setldel,
setldel_mean = target_mean)

## output
payment_delays <- claim_payment_delay(
n_vector, claim_sizes, no_payments, setldel,
rfun = r_pmtdel, paramfun = param_pmtdel,
occurrence_period = rep(1:I, times = n_vector))

# payment times on a continuous time scale
payment_times <- claim_payment_time(n_vector, occurrence_times, notidel, payment_delays)
# payment times in periods
payment_periods <- claim_payment_time(n_vector, occurrence_times, notidel, payment_delays,
                                    discrete = TRUE)

demo_rate <- (1 + 0.02)^(1/4) - 1
base_inflation_past <- rep(demo_rate, times = 40)
base_inflation_future <- rep(demo_rate, times = 40)
base_inflation_vector <- c(base_inflation_past, base_inflation_future)

# Superimposed inflation:
# 1) With respect to occurrence "time" (continuous scale)
SI_occurrence <- function(occurrence_time, claim_size) {
# 2) With respect to payment "time" (continuous scale)
# -> compounding by user-defined time unit
SI_payment <- function(payment_time, claim_size) {
period_rate <- (1 + 0)^(time_unit) - 1
beta <- period_rate
(1 + beta)^payment_time

payment_inflated <- claim_payment_inflation(

# construct a "claims" object to store all the simulated quantities
all_claims <- claims(
frequency_vector = n_vector,
occurrence_list = occurrence_times,
claim_size_list = claim_sizes,
notification_list = notidel,
settlement_list = setldel,
no_payments_list = no_payments,
payment_size_list = payment_sizes,
payment_delay_list = payment_delays,
payment_time_list = payment_times,
payment_inflated_list = payment_inflated

transaction_dataset <- generate_transaction_dataset(
adjust = FALSE # to keep the original (potentially out-of-bound) simulated payment times

# SPLICE ----

no_majRev_param <- function(claim_size) {
majRevNo_mean <- pmax(1, log(claim_size / 15000) - 2)
c(lambda = majRevNo_mean)

## implementation and output
# major_test <- claim_majRev_freq(
#   test_claims, rfun = actuar::rztpois, paramfun = no_majRev_param)

# major revisions
major <- claim_majRev_freq(all_claims, rfun = actuar::rztpois, paramfun = no_majRev_param)
major <- claim_majRev_time(all_claims, major)
major <- claim_majRev_size(major)

# minor revisions
minor <- claim_minRev_freq(all_claims)
minor <- claim_minRev_time(all_claims, minor)
minor <- claim_minRev_size(all_claims, major, minor)

# development of case estimates
test <- claim_history(all_claims, major, minor)



# Generate data sets ----
out0 <- claims_generator_mdn(random_state=1,years=years)

transaction_dataset = out0$synthOUT
test = out0$spliceOUT
i_tri = out0$CL_input
dt_synthetic <-[,payment_period:=payment_period-occurrence_period]

# incrementals
incremental_payments <- dt_synthetic[,

incremental_payments_tr <- ChainLadder::as.triangle(incremental_payments,
                                                origin = 'occurrence_period',
                                                value = 'incremental_payments',

#closed claims
closed_claims <- dt_synthetic[,
                            .(closing_time=ceiling(notidel[1])+ floor(setldel[1])),

closed_claims_tr <- ChainLadder::as.triangle(closed_claims,
                                            origin = 'occurrence_period',
                                            value = 'closed_claims',

#payments numbers
number_payments <- dt_synthetic[,

number_payments_tr <- ChainLadder::as.triangle(number_payments,
                                            origin = 'occurrence_period',
                                            value = 'number_of_payments',
#reported claims
reports_number <- dt_synthetic[,

reports_number_tr <- ChainLadder::as.triangle(reports_number,
                                            origin = 'occurrence_period',
                                            value = 'reported_claims',

reports_number_v <- reports_number[(reporting_time+occurrence_period-1)<=max(occurrence_period),

# Open claims



# reports_number_tr = cbind(reports_number_tr,
#                           matrix(NA,
#                                  nrow=years,
#                                  ncol=years-ncol(reports_number_tr)))

reports_number_tr <- reports_number_tr[,1:years]


# reports_number_tr <- cbind(reports_number_tr, matrix(0,nrow=years,ncol = years-ncol(reports_number_tr)))

for(col in 2:years){


# czj


# cased payments

cased_amount <- output_incurred(test, incremental = T)