GEMAct is an actuarial package, based on the collective risk theory framework, that offers a comprehensive set of tools for non-life (re)insurance costing, stochastic claims reserving, and loss aggregation.
The variety of available functionalities makes GEMAct modeling very flexible and provides users with a powerful tool that fits into the expanding community of Python programming language.
The accompanying paper is registered with DOI doi:10.1017/S1748499524000022.
APA citation:
Pittarello, G., Luini, E., & Marchione, M. M. (2024). GEMAct: a Python package for non-life (re)insurance modeling. Annals of Actuarial Science, 1–37. doi:10.1017/S1748499524000022
BibteX citation:
title={GEMAct: a Python package for non-life (re)insurance modeling},
journal={Annals of Actuarial Science},
author={Pittarello, Gabriele and Luini, Edoardo and Marchione, Manfred Marvin},
The manuscript pre-print is instead available at ArXiV:2303.01129.
A collective risk model apparatus for costing non-life (re)insurance contracts.
Extend the set of distributions available in scipy to actuarial scientists. GEMAct provides the first Python implementation of the (a, b, 0) and (a, b, 1) distribution classes.
Popular copulas with improved functionalities, e.g. the Student t copula cumulative distribution function can be numerically approximated.
A loss reserve estimation tool.
The first open-source Python implementation of the AEP algorithm.
Reinsurance Contracs#
GEMAct can be used for costing the following reinsurance contracts and their combinations.
- Excess-of-Loss (XL) including:
individual and aggregate coverage modifers (cover and deductible),
Quota-share (QS).
Stop-loss (SL).
- Reinsurance Programme including:
drop-down and stretch-down layers.
retention layer with a maintenance limit.
Computational methods#
GEMAct offers multiple numerical methods used within the context of loss distributions approximation.
- Collective risk model:
Recursive method (Panjer recursion),
Discrete Fourier transform, via the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm,
Monte Carlo simulation,
Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation.
- Loss (model) aggregation:
AEP algorithm,
Monte Carlo simulation.