Source code for gemact.copulas

from .libraries import *
from . import helperfunctions as hf

logger ='copulas')

# Clayton
[docs]class ClaytonCopula: """ Clayton copula. :param par: copula parameter. :type par: ``float`` :param dim: copula dimension. :type dim: ``int`` """ def __init__(self, par, dim): self.par = par self.dim = dim @property def par(self): return self.__par @par.setter def par(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'par', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=0) self.__par = value @property def dim(self): return self.__dim @dim.setter def dim(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'dim', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=1) value = int(value) self.__dim = value
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise if len(x.shape) == 1: if (x <= 0).any(): return 0 else: return (np.sum(np.minimum(x, 1) ** (-self.par) - 1) + 1) ** -(1 / self.par) capital_n = len(x) output = np.array([0.] * capital_n) index = ~np.array(x <= 0).any(axis=1) output[index] = (np.sum(np.minimum(x[index, :], 1) ** (-self.par) - 1, axis=1) + 1) ** (-1 / self.par) return output
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) gamma_sim = stats.gamma.rvs(1 / self.par, size=[size, 1], random_state=random_state) exp_sim = stats.gamma.rvs(1, size=[size, self.dim], random_state=random_state + 2) output = (1 + exp_sim / gamma_sim) ** (-1 / self.par) return output
# Frank
[docs]class FrankCopula: """ Frank copula. :param par: copula parameter. :type par: ``float`` :param dim: copula dimension. :type dim: ``int`` """ def __init__(self, par, dim): self.par = par self.dim = dim @property def par(self): return self.__par @par.setter def par(self, value): hf.assert_type_value( value, 'par', logger, (int, float), lower_bound=0, lower_close=False ) self.__par = value @property def dim(self): return self.__dim @dim.setter def dim(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'dim', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=1) value = int(value) self.__dim = value
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise if len(x.shape) == 1: if (x <= 0).any(): return 0 else: d = len(x) return -1 / self.par * np.log( 1 + * np.minimum(x, 1)) - 1) / (np.exp(-self.par) - 1) ** (d - 1)) capital_n = len(x) d = len(x[0]) output = np.array([0.] * capital_n) index = ~np.array(x <= 0).any(axis=1) output[index] = -1 / self.par * np.log( 1 + * np.minimum(x[index, :], 1)) - 1, axis=1) / ( np.exp(-self.par) - 1) ** (d - 1)) return output
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) logarithmic_sim = stats.logser.rvs(1 - np.exp(-self.par), size=[size, 1], random_state=random_state) exp_sim = stats.gamma.rvs(1, size=[size, self.dim], random_state=random_state) output = -1 / self.par * np.log(1 + np.exp(-exp_sim / logarithmic_sim) * (np.exp(-self.par) - 1)) return output
# Gumbel
[docs]class GumbelCopula: """ Gumbel copula. :param par: copula parameter. :type par: ``float`` :param dim: copula dimension. :type dim: ``int`` """ def __init__(self, par, dim): self.par = par self.dim = dim @property def par(self): return self.__par @par.setter def par(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'par', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=0) self.__par = value @property def dim(self): return self.__dim @dim.setter def dim(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'dim', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=1) value = int(value) self.__dim = value
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise if x.shape[0] == 1: if (x <= 0).any(): return 0 else: return np.exp(-np.sum((-np.log(np.minimum(x, 1))) ** self.par) ** (1 / self.par)) output = np.array([0.] * x.shape[0]) index = ~np.array(x <= 0).any(axis=1) output[index] = np.exp(-np.sum((-np.log(np.minimum(x[index, :], 1))) ** self.par, axis=1) ** (1 / self.par)) return output
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) a_ = 1 / self.par uniform_sim = (stats.uniform.rvs(size=[size, 1], random_state=random_state) - 0.5) * np.pi exp_sim = stats.gamma.rvs(1, size=[size, 1], random_state=random_state) stable_sim = np.sin(a_ * (np.pi / 2 + uniform_sim)) / np.cos( uniform_sim) ** (1 / a_) * ( np.cos(uniform_sim - a_ * (np.pi / 2 + uniform_sim)) / exp_sim) ** ((1 - a_) / a_) exp_sim = stats.gamma.rvs(1, size=[size, self.dim], random_state=random_state + 2) output = np.exp(-(exp_sim / stable_sim) ** (1 / self.par)) return output
# Gaussian
[docs]class GaussCopula: """ Gaussian copula. :param corr: Correlation matrix. :type corr: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ def __init__(self, corr): self.corr = corr @property def corr(self): return self.__corr @corr.setter def corr(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'corr', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(value, list): value = np.array(value) if not np.allclose(value, np.transpose(value)): raise ValueError('corr must be a symmetric square matrix') if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(value), np.ones(value.shape[0])): raise ValueError('%r is not a correlation matrix' % value) self.__corr = value @property def dim(self): return self.corr.shape[0]
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise x_shape = x.shape x_flat = x.ravel() q = np.empty(len(x_flat)) q[x_flat >= 1] = np.inf q[x_flat == 0] = -np.inf q[(x_flat > 0) * (x_flat < 1)] = stats.norm.ppf(x_flat[(x_flat > 0) * (x_flat < 1)]) q = q.reshape(x_shape) output = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) flt = np.all(x != 0, axis=1) output[flt] = stats.multivariate_normal.cdf( q[flt, :], mean=np.zeros(self.dim), cov=self.corr ) return output
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) sim = stats.multivariate_normal.rvs( mean=np.zeros(self.dim), cov=self.corr, size=size, random_state=random_state ) return stats.norm.cdf(sim)
# Student t Copula
[docs]class TCopula: """ Student t copula. :param corr: Correlation matrix. :type corr: ``numpy.ndarray`` :param df: Degree of freedom. :type df: ``int`` """ def __init__(self, corr, df): self.corr = corr self.df = df self.__error_cdf = None @property def dim(self): return self.corr.shape[0] @property def corr(self): return self.__corr @corr.setter def corr(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'corr', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(value, list): value = np.array(value) if not np.allclose(value, np.transpose(value)): raise ValueError("corr must be a symmetric square matrix") if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(value), np.ones(value.shape[0])): raise ValueError('%r is not a correlation matrix' % value) self.__corr = value @property def df(self): return self.__df @df.setter def df(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'df', logger, (int, float), lower_bound=1) self.__df = value @property def error_cdf(self): return self.__error_cdf
[docs] def cdf(self, x, tolerance=1e-4, n_iterations=30): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: quantile where the cumulative distribution function is evaluated. Array with shape (n, d) where n is the number of data points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :param tolerance: tolerance threshold of approximation (default is 1e-4). :type tolerance: ``float``, optional :param n_iterations: number of iteration (default is 30). :type n_iterations: ``int``, optional :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise x_shape = x.shape x_flat = x.ravel() q = np.empty(len(x_flat)) q[x_flat >= 1] = np.inf q[x_flat == 0] = -np.inf q[(x_flat > 0) * (x_flat < 1)] = stats.t(self.df).ppf(x_flat[(x_flat > 0) * (x_flat < 1)]) q = q.reshape(x_shape) prob = np.empty(x.shape[0]) error = np.empty(x.shape[0]) for i in range(x.shape[0]): (prob[i], error[i]) = hf.multivariate_t_cdf(q[i, :], self.corr, self.df, tolerance, n_iterations) self.__error_cdf = error return prob
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int``, optional :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int``, optional :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) sim = stats.multivariate_t.rvs( df=self.df, shape=self.corr, size=size, random_state=random_state ) return stats.t.cdf(sim, df=self.df)
# Independence
[docs]class IndependenceCopula: """ The product (independence) copula. :param dim: copula dimension. :type dim: ``int`` """ def __init__(self, dim): self.dim = dim @property def dim(self): return self.__dim @dim.setter def dim(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'dim', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=1) value = int(value) self.__dim = value
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise return, axis=1)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) return np.random.uniform(size=(size, self.dim))
# Fréchet–Hoeffding Lower Bound
[docs]class FHLowerCopula: """ Fréchet–Hoeffding lower bound bidimensional copula. """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def dim(): return 2
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, 2) where N is the number of points. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, 2) logger.warning('x shape second dimension set to 2') except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x shape second dimension is 2') raise return np.maximum(np.sum(x, axis=1) - 1, 0)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) u = np.random.uniform(size=(size, 1)) return np.concatenate((u, 1-u), axis=1)
# Fréchet–Hoeffding Upper Bound
[docs]class FHUpperCopula: """ Fréchet–Hoeffding upper bound copula. """ def __init__(self, dim): self.dim = dim @property def dim(self): return self.__dim @dim.setter def dim(self, value): hf.assert_type_value(value, 'dim', logger, (float, int, np.floating), lower_bound=1) value = int(value) self.__dim = value
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Cumulative distribution function. :param x: Array with shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d the dimension. :type x: ``numpy.ndarray`` :return: Cumulative distribution function in x. :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ hf.assert_type_value(x, 'x', logger, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) try: x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim) except Exception: logger.error('Please make sure x is compatible with the copula dimension.') raise return np.min(x, axis=1)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1, random_state=None): """ Random variates. :param size: random variates sample size (default is 1). :type size: ``int`` :param random_state: random state for the random number generator. :type random_state: ``int`` :return: Random variates. :rtype: ``numpy.float64`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` """ random_state = hf.handle_random_state(random_state, logger) np.random.seed(random_state) hf.assert_type_value(size, 'size', logger, (float, int), lower_bound=1) size = int(size) u = np.random.uniform(size=(size, 1)) return np.tile(u, (1, self.dim))